Voice-First Technology And The Car: A New Frontier For Publishers
During the Super Bowl, this ad for Mercedes Benz aired, which clearly demonstrates how expectations for voice technology (more properly,...

Castlingo: a great tool for publishers to create Alexa skills with zero code
Thanks to our partner Witlingo, a company based in the DC area which develops voice experiences for brands, Digital Book World has access...

The Voice-First Future Of Book Discoverability
The future of book discoverability is voice-first technology, where audiobooks, podcasts, voice assistants, and smart speakers converge to c

This Week In Voice podcast concludes Season 2 with Digital Book World 2018 preview
Voice-first technology is accelerating. Adoption of voice assistants and smart speakers, by every type of organization and sector, is...

Google's "Talk To Books" Might Have Just Changed Everything
Digital Book World took a field trip to London Book Fair last week, just as we'll do with the Frankfurt Book Fair which is after DBW...