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The DAISY Consortium joins forces with Digital Book World to talk accessibility

One area where trade publishing, independent publishing, and non-traditional publishing (such as publishing internally within corporations, or university presses) all align is in the need for published content to be as accessible as possible, to as many people as possible.

We're fortunate to live in an age where our technology makes it feasible to make content broadly accessible, but we're also fortunate to live in an age where our society recognizes the need for such effort to be made, and the value in it.

Digital Book World 2018 will highlight accessibility in publishing in a number of ways, beginning with the folks at the internationally-recognized DAISY Consortium to speak within the Production Book World breakout track, giving a talk called Building Accessibility Into Publishing Workflows: From The Ground Up.

Additionally, while information about the Digital Book World Awards will be announced here at a later time, we are pleased to share that the DAISY Consortium will play an advisory role in our creation of an Achievement in Accessibility in Publishing Award to be presented this fall at the conference.

Digital Book World fully supports the mission and vision of the DAISY Consortium...

The vision: for people to have equal access to information and knowledge regardless of disability; a right confirmed by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The mission: To develop global solutions for accessible publishing and reading, in partnership with civil society, publishing and technology industries, standards bodies and governments.

We look forward to partnering together and incorporating accessibility thought leadership and best practices into Digital Book World for many years to come.

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