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Castlingo: a great tool for publishers to create Alexa skills with zero code

Thanks to our partner Witlingo, a company based in the DC area which develops voice experiences for brands, Digital Book World has access to a new service called Castlingo. This service makes it easier than it has ever been before for publishers and content creators to create their own Alexa skill, without knowing any code whatsoever.

Compliments of a special arrangement lasting through December 8, Castlingo is available for FREE. You can use it to create an Alexa skill right now. For no charge. And without knowing anything other than recording your own voice via the Castlingo mobile app.

You will be able to work with Witlingo's team to get the invocation term that best suits your business ("Alexa, play [name of your book here]" or whatever you'd like this to be, for your skill). From there, you'll be able to import short audio clips (up to 77 seconds long) which you record (via the Castlingo mobile app) which become available through the Alexa skill to your users.

This is perfect for publishers, small and large, and other types of content creators who can use an Alexa skill to speak, in their own voice, to their audience in short soundbites that supplement larger releases of material.

This is also the same technology Digital Book World deployed to deliver an Alexa skill built just for DBW 2018 attendees.

Castlingo is normally a paid service, but is free through December 8. Don't miss out - entering the voice realm will never be this easy, or this cheap, again.

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