The DBW Challenge! A Game For Attendees And Exhibitors Alike
Almost from the very beginning of acquiring Digital Book World, we have referred to an "exhibitor game" which would serve to incentivize attendees to visit more exhibitors during Digital Book World 2018 than they might have otherwise.
We're pleased to be able to reveal many more details about this game, which is officially called The DBW Challenge.
Attendees will be able to accumulate points over the course of the conference, which will be redeemable for prizes at the DBW 2018 Registration Desk. Here's how it will work:
- An attendee of Digital Book World 2018 shows up at registration, where he or she will receive a welcome bag, name tag, and a conference program.
- In the printed program will be a "DBW Challenge Card," which will be a two-page foldout (think the McDonald's Monopoly game board) detailing the various point opportunities, which include:
+1 for each exhibitor visited (up to 40 points possible per attendee for visiting exhibitors)
+1 for tweeting using the #DBW18 hashtag with your favorite talk of the conference
+1 for tweeting using the #DBW18 hashtag with your favorite exhibitor of the conference
+1 for attending any case study
+1 for tweeting using the #DBW18 hashtag with your favorite case study of the conference
+1 for tweeting using the #DBW18 hashtag with your favorite book of 2018
+2 for attending the Hall Crawl Wednesday after the conference program concludes
+3 for turning in your Challenge Card on Thursday mid-day after the closing keynote ends
This is a total of 50 possible points. We may also have surprise bonus point opportunities made available through social media during the conference as well!
Each exhibitor that an attendee visits will mark that attendee's Challenge Card, indicating the attendee visited the booth and had a conversation. Same for attending a case study, the Wednesday night Hall Crawl, and for turning the Challenge Card in on Thursday after the program has concluded. Points for tweets will be awarded to attendees on the honor system.
We've got some great prizes to award from some great companies, including Hindenburg, Amazon, Blinkist, Audioburst, Scribd, Readercoin, Kobo, and more! Attendees will be able to win a prize once they have at least 5 points or more.
And whoever gets the most points, by the end of the conference, will win a very special prize.
The DBW 2018 Exhibit Hall will be worth visiting from top to bottom with or without any prizes involved - the companies there, and their products and services, are ones every publisher needs to be aware of.
But if we can give out some prizes and make it fun at the same time...why not?
See you this fall for Digital Book World 2018!