2019 DBW Awards Winners
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Digital Book World Reveals Winners of the 2019 DBW Awards Honorees Represent Books, Publishers, Industry Leaders...

Putting Audio at the Heart of your Publishing Processes
To produce great audiobooks, you don’t need to reinvent the publishing wheel. In many respects, they can be managed in just the same way...

Digital Book World 2019 Awards Finalists Announced
We are pleased to announce the 2019 Finalists for The Digital Book World Awards. In addition to the awards listed below, the DAISY...

BISG print-on-demand seminar: challenges in print world remain
Our friends at BISG recently held a webinar on printing on demand, and a number of issues confronting the book industry and paper...

DBW Response To Forbes' Kickstarter Article: Some Thoughts On Expensive Conferences
Before you go further, read the eye-opening and insightful piece in Forbes about Kickstarter. I admire so much about Kickstarter's...

Publishing: Everybody's Doing It (25 Examples of Corporate Publishing)
We often refer to "the wide world of publishing" which comprises the Digital Book World audience: trade publishing, scholarly/academic...

Motovun Group of International Publishers (MGIP) become the newest partner of Digital Book World
The Motovun Group of International Publishers (MGIP) is a worldwide group of publishing professionals hailing from 20 different countries...

Q&A with DBW 2019 speaker Charlotte Abbott (Founder, FutureProof Content Strategy)
I recently had the privilege of sitting down with publishing industry veteran and Digital Book World 2019 speaker Charlotte Abbott. She's...

Voice-First Technology And The Car: A New Frontier For Publishers
During the Super Bowl, this ad for Mercedes Benz aired, which clearly demonstrates how expectations for voice technology (more properly,...

DBW 2019 keynote Lisa Lucas (Executive Director, National Book Foundation) appears on the TODAY Show
Lisa Lucas, executive director of the National Book Foundation and keynote speaker of Digital Book World 2019, joined the TODAY Show last...